Saturday, December 20, 2008

Rainy days and (wh)itchy members

heloooo to those of you not reading this post :-)

I'm sitting at work, breaking our Internet restrictions *note to self don't tell boss about this blog* and decided I'd write a little update.

This which i was expecting nicer, warmer, sunnier weather has turned out to be about as far from that as possible. It is not an exaggeration when i say i haven't seen the sun in over a week. But such is life, and you deal with the rain. hey, that's why I got a trainer!!!!

For those of you that haven't ridden on an indoor trainer...its a whole new ball game. you have to really want to get better/faster/stronger to ride a trainer for more than twenty minutes.

In other news...I brought my drum set up to my apartment. Another distraction, great idea. I haven't played in a really long time, and it showed last night. However, one good think about an empty apartment over the hollidays is that no one is there for hear me, except for the people living below me getting it on, but i think they might be a little preoccupied.

As i sit here bored at the Y, i must remind myself that this job gets me free pool access...probably the one thing holding me to this position. Great perks (pool, spinning classes, treadmill, place to store my stuff if I'm doing some brickage) only get you so far. Its hard getting paid to sit at a desk and get yelled at by members. Nay, spoken to harshly. A YMCA member would NEVER yell at an employee, that isn't one of our core values.

hope the weather is better wherever you are; knowing that the sun still exists is one of the things keeping me going.



Marci said...

I can stand my trainer when I'm at spin class at the bike store. But when sitting at home alone on it... forget it!

GetBackJoJo said...

you are a southerner! Suck it up buddy and get outside!! haha. seriously, I'm just bitter b/c we have two feet of snow here and riding outside is no longer an option--for a long, long time. I did run this morning, though. It was 10 degrees and icy. you've got it easy!!
i've been thinking about your school quandry--grades, pushing yourself etc.
The thing is, it matters, but it doesn't. If you are sharp (which you obviously are given that you are even at UNC) and motivated you will do well in the working world even if you weren't phi beta kappa blah blah etc. That's not to say you shouldn't try. It's just to say that you are young once-- you need to party, you need to do IM, you need to live a little--.
This is coming from one in the midst of a mid-life crisis, understand. I'd give anything to be where you are! Don't be so hard on yourself, and have fun-
and don't tell your dad some random lady from the north said this-lol