Saturday, February 6, 2010


So, I haven’t posted anything of significance in a long time, and this won’t really change that.

I’ve been busy: “doing” school, work, family, friends, and the occasional, unnecessary, supply of drama..but welcome to college.

I haven’t really had anything that I truly cared to post about, but i think i might decide to change some of that.  I think I'm going to incorporate some real life into my posts on triathlon, most likely solely for my own purposes.  Anyways, we’ll see if Windows Live Writer helps the cause, and if I can manage to find more than 6 people to read what I have to say.  However, I guess that means I need to have something to say that is worth reading.

On the plate for upcoming *soon* posts:

-Tyler the “race director”- yes, I am currently attempting to plan a triathlon in the Chapel Hill Area.  Let me know if you have any interest

-Starting a triathlon club/training group at our local YMCA *where I also happen to work*-I have talked to an upwards of 15 people at the Y about tri’s, and even, for some reason, have handed out some really, really, basic training plans

-How to replace a Garmin Forerunner 305 in the most economically efficient way- debating re-buying it from Amazon, or possibly purchasing the FR60 and buying an Edge 705 at a later date…we shall see

-The recovery of “The Toe”


for explanation of the last one, I'll just leave you with this picture….


I apologize for the grotesqueness of this pictures… such is the life of runners feet, and trying to play Intramural basketball…hmm


GetBackJoJo said...

OMG that f-ing sucks. OUCH!!!!!!
HOw'd it happen?
ouch. ouch ouch

Tyler Ross said...

some guy stepped on my foot when i pivoted on doesnt feel so grand...I've run through a lot, this one probably gonna give it a few days..

Rainmaker said...

Holy crap that toe is hardcore scary. Like, you should frame the picture and put it above your bed headboard scary.